
Our consultants and professionals at Xala Technologies leverage Angular to build feature-rich, dynamic front-end applications. Angular's robust framework allows us to develop large-scale, single-page applications (SPAs) with real-time interactivity and superior performance.

Expertise and Core Features:

  • Component-Based Development: Building reusable UI components for consistency and efficiency.
  • Data Binding & State Management: Effective use of two-way data binding and state management techniques.
  • Routing & Navigation: Implementing seamless navigation within SPAs.
  • Testing & Debugging: Proficient in using tools like Jasmine and Karma for testing.
  • Performance Optimization: Techniques like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation and lazy loading.

Key Projects:

  1. NOV – Integrated Field Operations App

    • Developed an Angular front-end for a web application integrating real-time data from robotic systems.
    • Result: Improved field productivity by 25%, enhanced data visualization, and enabled real-time decision-making.

  2. SSB – Statistical Analysis Platform

    • Built a user-friendly interface using Angular for analysts to interact with large data sets and perform complex queries.
    • Result: Accelerated data analysis processes, improved user experience, and increased efficiency by 30%.

  3. Norwegian Airlines – Flight Booking System

    • Created a responsive Angular-based front-end for the flight booking system, enhancing user interaction.
    • Result: Increased online bookings by 20%, improved user satisfaction, and reduced page load times.

  4. Apeland Informasjon – Corporate Dashboard

    • Developed an Angular application for internal dashboards to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).
    • Result: Enhanced data visibility, improved decision-making, and increased operational transparency.